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New Year Detox Tips

For most of us the festive season is filled with indulgence. Whether it’s copious amounts of alcohol or too much chocolate, it’s easy to feel sluggish at the beginning of the new year. The prospect of a detox looks more appealing than it ever has done before – and it doesn’t have to be as extreme as you’d think. Follow our simple new year detox tips to look and feel fantastic!
A collection of vegetables for preparation

Colourful plates

Ensure your plate is full of the five different vegetable colours. This includes reds, greens, yellows, purples and whites. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of your five-a-day, so you’ll be consuming the correct amount of nutrients. Red fruit and veg includes tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots apples and watermelon. Purple fruit and veg can include grapes, aubergine, berries and beetroot. Sweet corn, bananas and honeydew melon come under the yellow category, whereas spinach, broccoli, peas, cabbage and leeks all come under the green veg category. Last, but not least, the white category includes onions, potatoes, garlic, mushrooms and cauliflower.

Wonderful Water

Water not only hydrates your body and increases your energy, it also improves your mood. It flushes away horrible toxins, keeps your organs and brain functioning and brightens your skin – basically it’s a natural anti-ageing cure! This means staying away from fizzy drinks, alcohol and coffee. If you rely on your caffeine hit to function in the morning then opt for green teas and herbal teas – they’re packed with antioxidants and low on toxins. But it’s always advisable to make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to keep hydrated and happy.

Clock on the wall

It’s All in the Routine

Routine is sacred when detoxing. It’s vital to eat three square meals a day, containing all vitamins, minerals, fibre, carbohydrates, protein and omega fats. It’s fine to snack twice a day – but stick to nuts, seeds, fruit and veg. Snacking actually helps to balance your blood sugar levels and energy levels. Avoid eating just before bed and aim to eat every few hours during the day. This will encourage a faster metabolism and keeps you away from those sweet treats.

Get Rid of Triggers

Triggers – there are a lot of them but they can be avoided. Whether your trigger is fried foods, sugar, gluten, alcohol or caffeine – there are substitutes for every single one. Instead of frying eggs, poach them instead – you’ll be surprised with how amazing they taste. If bread makes you bloated then try gluten-free versions – available in all the supermarkets. Sugar can be swapped for artificial sweetener and alcohol can be swapped for delicious non-alcoholic cocktails and beers (watch out for the placebo effect though!). Check out our blog 5 Foods to Help You Sleep for some amazing tips.

Female on bed relaxing

De-stress and Get Some Rest

Working on your mind is just as important as working on your body. A stressed mind will take its toll on your body and increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Getting a good night’s sleep or mastering the art of napping is the first step! If you have trouble winding down then treat yourself to some yoga sessions or a massage. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can contribute to good quality sleep. It’s also important to eat at a slower pace so you’re aware of how much you’re eating. This means you’ll know exactly when you’re full and you won’t over-eat. Chewing also aids good digestion, which in turn also aids relaxing sleep.

Do you plan on detoxing this year? Tweet us with your new year detox tips using #MyDetox2016


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