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Things to Do in Isolation

We are all stuck inside our homes and worrying about the current situation that we face. So why not keep your mind active and make the most of your time in isolation by planning a redesign of your bedroom?

Many of us are struggling to sleep at the moment, with concerns about the health of ourselves and our loved ones obviously being at the top of our thoughts. It has therefore never been more important to keep our minds active and ensure that we have all the right ingredients for a good night of sleep.

That’s why we are challenging you to make the most of your time in isolation by redesigning your bedrooms to help keep your minds focused and encourage collaboration with your loved ones at this difficult time.

Grosvenor furniture has a wide selection of handmade luxury oak, mahogany and upholstered bedroom furniture to choose from as part of your redesign in order to give your sleeping quarters that extra touch of class.

Now is the perfect time to place an order with Grosvenor Furniture as we are offering a 15% discount on any products purchased on our website during the current crisis. In addition, we will only require a 10% deposit in order to secure your order which will be delivered to you as soon as our delivery team is back in action.

Give yourself something to look forward to once your time in isolation is over by redesigning your bedroom and ordering your new bedroom furniture with Grosvenor today.

We’d love to see your designs once they are completed. Feel free to send us a message on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and we will be happy to share the bedroom designs that we think have that touch of class that only handmade bedroom furniture from Grosvenor can provide.

To help get your started, we’ve put together some interior design inspiration by highlighting the top 5 bedroom design trends of 2020:

1. Brighten up

Hushed and subtle colour palettes are no longer the big thing. In has come chic monochromic colour schemes relying on one dominant colour.

By sticking to this approach, you can incorporate slight variations of your dominant colour in all your bedroom furniture accessories to complement your choice in wall colour.

Most influencers are using very bold colours such as navy to help create a relaxing atmosphere in which to escape to the land of nod.

2. Keep it simple

The key to creating a relaxing atmosphere is to keep things simple and chilled out. This is in keeping with the Nordic retreat approaching which was very much the in thing of 2019.

Keep things simple and focus on minimalist. Remember that less can sometimes mean more and avoids overcrowding the mind.

3. Bring Outside to You

At the moment, you can’t venture outside as often as you would like to make the most of the beautiful Spring air. So why not bring the outdoors into your bedroom by incorporating a little bit of greenery?

Succulents and other forms of plant life help to brighten up your home and very much continues to be the in thing for home design in 2020.

4. Go Glam

Glamour and sophistication is the aim that many interior designs are aiming to achieve at the moment without falling into the trap of becoming tacky.

This is resulting in a rise in the use of materials such as marble and velvet which can mix together to create a warm and comfortable ambience which exudes sophistication.

5. Be Comfortable

Create a sense of Hygge by ensuring that your bedroom remains comfortable.

Opt for upholstered headboards or a big fluffy carpet and mix the fabrics used in your design to create a comfortable vibe without sacrificing your aim of creating a design template which others will envy.

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